Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I think I've started playing the game of darts since 2007. My first set of darts were quite cheap since it was sold by a friend of mine. The weight of a dart of my first set was 21 grams.

The darts were quite light and I was totally a beginner that time.

In year 2009, I couldn't commit in playing darts as it was the year I got married. There were lots of preparation for the wedding and I could only play the MAKSWIP games and not the MOF games. With lady luck on my team, we managed to rank 3rd out 12 teams that year. A history was written and we will try our best to maintain the rank or obtain 1st/2nd the following year.

Last year 2010, I bought myself a second set of darts from TARGET at 22 grams per dart. I sold my first set of darts to a darter friend and he is happy with it. The darts were under TARGET Sports edition which is no longer sold at dart shops nearby and even online.

The picture below shows my second set of darts but not at its original state. What you see here are additional accessories for a reason. You will know about it later in my next post about my second set of dart.

Early this year, I bought another set of darts from Unicorn at 23.4 grams per dart. I will also post about this third set of mine once I posted about the TARGET darts I own.

There is a lot to tell about my experience in the game of darts especially in on the dart sets I have.

Before we move on to the story of my TARGET darts, a random picture for following post.

Random Pic Of The Day

Some of the accessories I've used throughout my life playing darts.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Project Epyon - Completion

Before I went up Mount Kinabalu, was only able to complete the legs and that was before 6th October 2011.

After the 4 days trip, just completed the wing part.

And then the weapons...


Unfortunately still in process in applying the water and dry transfer stickers.

You might say the project is incomplete but for me completelar tuh.

With work deadlines coming up, will I be able to complete the sticking process on Gundam Epyon.

We will soon see.....

A Minor Side Effect

After climbing three mountains in a month, this what came off from my feet....

Do you know what it is? The reason it is red because I put some mashed 'daun inai' on it for healing purposes ( when it was still attached). I'm guessing that it works..

And what is left after it....

This injury is not only on my left feet but also on my right. And exactly in the same toe part.

I've put mashed 'daun inai' on it as well and now it's color is dark black red. And still attached waiting to be apart....ouch!!